Shares and shareholding

Investor calculator

Invest consciously and use our calculator. The calculator will calculate the current value of your Amica share package.


Amica S.A. reserves the right to state that the investor calculator is a supplementary tool. It is intended for preliminary estimates related to holding a specific number of Amica S.A. shares and should not be considered as a source of data on which to base investment decisions regarding securities transactions.

At the same time, Amica S.A. informs that it bears no responsibility for the accuracy, correctness, timeliness, or completeness of the calculations resulting from the use of the investor calculator. Any risks associated with the use of the calculator are borne by the user of the service. Before making any investment decisions, it is recommended to verify the results obtained with the investor calculator using other available calculation methods.

Calculation results

Purchase price of one share:
Current price per share:
Share price change:
Initial value of the package
Current package value:
Gross result:

Shareholding structure

Owner Number of shares and votes Share in share capital
Holding Wronki S.A. 2715771 34,93%
OFE Nationale-Nederlanden 929835 11,96%
OFE Aviva Santander 710434 9,14%
OFE Aegon 419857 5,40%
The rest 1316771 38,57%
Together: 6092668 100%

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