In the Amica Capital Group, top management bodies play a crucial role in achieving sustainable development goals.
Supervisory Board: Oversight and validation of strategic plans, including those related to sustainable development.
Management Board: Strategic management of sustainability issues.
Management Team: Ongoing management of sustainability initiatives.
Values that guide us at Amica Capital Group:
When and by whom? | Values that guide us |
Relacje biznesowe | A broad perspective, entrepreneurship, responsibility |
In relation to other people | Development, cooperation, respect |
Every employee of the Amica Group | Sincerity, openness, ambition |
In the Amica Capital Group, we understand the principle of due diligence as an ongoing and proactive process aimed at identifying negative impacts in the areas of human rights, corruption, unfair competition, tax practices, and conflicts of interest, and making decisions within the Group that will eliminate or reduce their occurrence.
The principle of due diligence is applied in relation to six key areas of sustainability:
• Impact on human rights
• Prevention of corruption and bribery
• Combating unfair competition practices
• Tax practices
• Prevention of conflicts of interest
• Impact on the natural environment
In the Amica Capital Group, a comprehensive Compliance system is implemented to ensure adherence to Polish and European laws, internal regulations, ethical standards, and the values of the Group.
The Compliance system of the Amica Capital Group comprises a set of universal principles of conduct that are applicable across the entire Group and form the basis for the established Compliance Management System (CMS).
The Amica Group has a number of policies pertaining to the company's operations. All policies are adopted by a resolution of the Management Board.
The Code of Ethics is a collection of the principles and values that we, as employees, uphold and consciously nurture in our daily work and collaboration.
Principles of the Code of Ethics of the Amica Capital Group:
Since 2019, the Group has implemented a reporting system for any irregularities, particularly in the areas of human rights, ethics, anti-corruption policy, and environmental matters (commonly known as Whistleblowing). This system enables employees and external stakeholders to report suspected, observed, or experienced violations of the Company's principles as outlined in the Business Code of Conduct, the Management Handbook, the Anti-Fraud and Irregularities Policy, and the Code of Ethics.
Every employee has the opportunity to report suspicions and/or confirm abuses anonymously or through internal communication channels.
Employees can make reports primarily through:
The Group adheres to a Purchasing Policy, which is one of the key corporate documents aimed at maintaining high standards of collaboration. This policy establishes procedures and criteria regarding the quality of materials, components, and non-production goods.
Another important corporate document from the perspective of the supply chain for the Amica Capital Group is the Business Conduct Code, along with the accompanying compliance declaration.
Additionally, the Amica Capital Group has a supplier monitoring and evaluation system in place, which addresses issues such as the financial status of partners, environmental matters (including the possession of appropriate and up-to-date environmental certifications), as well as human rights and labor rights issues, including health and safety standards.